A Gift From Me to You.

I've been going through all our emails personally, and I've noticed we're all feeling the edge with the election and global concerns looming.

We've all felt the uncertainty, so I thought, why not help our community out?

For 24 HOURS ONLY, I've lined up some exclusive freebies for our community. Think FREE SHIPPING, a tailored storage plan, and free 72-hour kits if you order 2 or more. Cool, right?

But here's the thing - these gifts are a now-or-never kind of deal, and I'll run out after today.

Time's ticking, and our 72 hours kits are flying off the shelves. I'd really hate for you to miss out on this.

Stay Safe,

Paul | GM Valley Food Storage


 I value your privacy, just as much as I value my own. I will not spam you with emails every hour and will do my best to only send you information that is valuable to you, but if you don't want me to, click here.


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